Environmental protection

From the beginning of his work, Cromaris pays great attention to the environment. The foundations of sustainability, on which work and business are based, include the conservation of biodiversity and habitats, work towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, carefully choosing recyclable materials in production with the aim of reducing all types of waste.
The direction in which Cromaris is growing and evolving is striving to be fully aligned with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Cage farming takes place in the marine environment, is part of the ecosystem, and by reducing the impact on the environment, desirable breeding parameters are ensured. Cromaris conducts measurements, biological-diving inspections and annual monitoring in order to closely monitor the state of the marine environment. Since 2019, according to the requirements of the ASC, benthos sampling (AMBI index) has been introduced in all Cromaris farms.

Cromaris obtained ASC standard, which basic requirements are social responsibility for its employees and the local community, as well as environmental protection with an emphasis on conservation of natural habitats and biodiversity. In ASC reports we document and publish on a monthly basis data for all farms:

ASC reports 2019

ASC reports 2020

ASC reports 2021

ASC reports 2022

ASC reports 2023