Our laboratories

In order to continuously improve existing products, develop packaging and analyze competing products, we perform chemical and microbiological analyzes as well as analyzes of fish feed in our own laboratories:

Chemical Lab

  • The analysis are conducted for the total amount of fat in fish meat and the composition as well as the amount of high and low saturated fatty acids (omega -3, omega-6, EPA and DHA)
  • Fats in fish on each cage at the beginning of the fishing period are monitored qualitatively and quantitatively, as well as on experimentally fish feed and competitors’ products.
  • We determine the fatty acid profile of fish depending on the type of fish, location, type of fish feed
  • Analysis are performed according to ISO standards.
Chemical Lab

Microbiological Lab

  • Regular control of growth and types of microorganisms in the processing facility and on equipment
  • Regular health control of products
  • Regular control of hygiene in processing facility
Microbiological Lab

Fish feed Lab

  • Laboratory is equipped with the state-of-the-art device that by using an analyzer determines chemical and nutritional composition of the fish feed. Data from the analyzer is entered into a nutritional software that balances the fish needs with the fish feed raw materials
  • Control of chemical and physical parameters of each LOT of fish feed
  • Control of chemical parameters – nutritional composition (proteins, fats, fiber, ash) and moisture
  • Control of physical parameters – fat separation, buoyancy, length and diameter of pellets and their strength as well as smell and color of fish feed
Fish feed Lab