Information Systems

At Cromaris, we pay special attention to the quality, accuracy and efficiency of internal business processes and to the collaborative processes with our customers, suppliers and other partners. The quality of our business processes is confirmed by numerous certificates and the comprehensive traceability of our process from broodstock, spawn, juvenile fish and fish for consumption, all the way to the customer.

We achieve quality through the synergy of good business practices and state-of-the-art information systems as well as their continuous improvement. Our information system is based on the SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, which is fully integrated with all our other information systems, such as Inforart POSIA (retail) and SAP BI (Business Intelligence).

All of our key business processes, such as hatchery, farming processing, quality management, sales, procurement, storage, transport, accounting, financing and controlling receive real time support and the data is integrated in real time. Along with the standard functions of the SAP ERP system, we use a unique solution for aquaculture with a comprehensive approach to fish farming management, from broodstock to adult fish for consumption. The solution calculates the growth curve and food needs, monitors feeding, growth rate, mortality, net servicing and all other activities important for achieving high quality of fish farming, including farming controlling, which closely monitors all costs at the level of each cage.

The solution is fully developed within the SAP ERP system, which maximises the use of standard SAP facilities making it fully integrated with all other business processes, as well as with technical systems on farms, such as automatic feeding boats, mobile hand-feeding devices, scales for mortality and sensors for measuring sea temperature and oxygenation.

In the processes of product development, fish processing and product delivery, integration of processing equipment and the application of configurable materials enable us to meet the specific requirements of our customers and to successfully follow consumer trends in the food industry.

Aware of the importance of the company’s information system for its success, we keep up to date and implement the latest information technologies as well as regularly update their functions.