
Sales revenues in mil. EUR

Thanks to the strategic orientation of the company to the premium market segment of quality Mediterranean fish as well as constant investment in value-added products, sales revenues of Cromaris d.d.  regularly achieve even higher growth rates than volume sales.

Number of employees

Along with the growth of sales and the increase in business activities, the need for employees is also growing. Cromaris today employs more than 600 people.

Investments in long-term assets in mil. EUR

Until 2023 – more than 99 million EUR has been invested in long-term assets. Investments will continue in the future with the intention of achieving the highest levels of industrial efficiency.

Sales in WFE

Cromaris d.d. is one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. Since the foundation in 2009 until today, we have been recording strong organic growth in sales of our products every year.

Useful industry related links:

FEAPFederation of European Aquaculture producers


HGKCroatian chamber of commerce