Blue Smart Project: “Introduction to Good Fishing Practice”, an innovative online course


On Tuesday, 11 December 2018, the final “Blue Education for Sustainable Managament of Aquatic Resources – BLUE SMART” conference took place. Its main goal was to create new skills and knowledge in the blue economy sector, as well as to increase new job opportunities for current and future employees in mariculture.   The project coordinator is the University of Zadar (Department of Ecology, Agronomy and Aquaculture), while Cromaris d.d., WWF Adria and Agency for Rural Development of Zadar County (AGRRA) are the project partners. (Related news 15/5/2017: ,,Cromaris partner of the BLUE SMART project”) Recognising the needs within the sector, as part of the project, the project partners initiated a new university graduate study programme, “Sustainable Management of Aquatic Ecosystems”, as well as created an innovative online course, “Introduction to Good Fishing Practice”. The goal of this online course is vocational retraining and building on the knowledge of the work force (including those currently unemployed) in various sectors, helping them find employment, improve their skills, and advance their careers.   The online course is available via the link. All additional information is available via the link.

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